Tour Concert and Literature Information
White shirts/blouses that are 3/4-full length sleeves and not overly-revealing (choose a cool fabric to prepare for heat and crowds).
Purple and gold scarf (provided) worn over the shoulders.
Black pants and socks or skirt/tights that cover from waist to toe.
Nice looking black shoes will be required, but we will also have to walk significant distances in them.
White, button-down long-sleeve dress shirt (choose a cool fabric and we may agree about rolling sleeves up in heat),
Purple suspenders and bow tie (provided)
Black dress pants, black socks.
Nice looking black shoes will be required, but we will also have to walk significant distances in them.
A black folder is required for your tour music (listed below).
Laulupidu song book (which likely will be used separately).
Laulupidu Information Documents (including timelines and parade instructions)
UW CHORALE (to be selected from the following)
Music of Living (Forrest)
To a Friend (Wyers)
Ya eres mia (Lauridsen)
A Quiet Moment (Higdon)
Estrellia del Sur (Peruvian Waltz, arr. Iturriaga)
Spaséñiye, sodélal (Chesnokov)
I’ll Be on my Way (Kirchner)
COMBINED TOUR CHOIR (to be selected from the following)
Pūt, vējiņi(Latvian folk melody)
Fruit of Silence (Vasks)
Õhtul (Uusberg)
Somewhere (Bernstein)
UW CHAMBER SINGERS (to be selected from the following)
The Dream Keeper(Averitt)
Mvmt. I. The Dream Keeper
Mvmt. IV Song
Two Early Folksongs(Earnest)
Streets of Laredo
Sweet Betsy from Pike
Rune (Barnum)
Stomp on the Fire (Ramsey)
Grace Before Sleep (LaBarr)
Goodnight Sweetheart(arr. Shaw)
North (Sleeping at Last, by O’Neal)
Master List of Tour Personnel
Conductors: Geoffrey Boers & Giselle Wyers
Tour Guide: Guntis Smidchens
Accompanists: Serena Chin & Amy Boers
Jenna Bellavia
Becca Cantrell
Anna Frisch
Raquel Gordon
Jada Jenkins
Elizabeth Mitchell
Kaylee Pigott
Darby Sherwood
Joslyn Thomas
Ally Witeck
Sarah Bergquist
Sam Fredman
Maddy Greenfield
Maya Hsu
Maddie Ile
Edie Myers-Powers
Joanna Noffsinger
Ainsleigh Orwin
Jennifer Rodgers
Alexa Schieche
Tiffany Walker
Nicole Whiteley (Song festival only)
Justus Brown
Simon Hill
John O'Kane
Steven Santos
Gerrit Scheepers
Ryan Wong
Griffin Becker
Richard Carrick
Marley Crean
Finn Dewars
Luke Duroc-Danner
Jacob Finkle (Song Festival Only)
Frank Goess
John Hamann (Song Festival Only)
Ian Houghton
Riley McGinn
Paul Mitchell (Song Festival Only)
Eric Mullen (Song Festival Only, joining tour in Tallinn)
Ethan Nowack
Aidan O'Hara
Will Schlott
Forrest Timour
Byron Walker
Alec Walter
Blake Bergquist (joining tour in Tallinn)
Scott Daniel (joining tour in Tallinn)
Katie O'Brien (joining tour in Tallinn)
Brian Walker
Eric Westergard
Information for Non-Singing Companions
Land Tour (Pre-Tallinn)
Your experience will be nearly identical to the singing members of the tour, simply without a rehearsal or two and which side of the stage you are on during our 3 concerts (Riga, Dikli, and Tartu). It is important that you follow the same communication and check-in protocols as the rest of the group so that we know you are with us and safe! You will be assigned to a check-in group – for those with a UW student significant other, it will be the same one.
Once in Tallinn and for those joining us in Tallinn, our experiences will be quite different starting on July 5. Non-singing travelers will get their two festival tickets (one for Saturday evening and one for Sunday afternoon) from Jennifer Rodgers sometime before the afternoon of July 6. Click here for an agenda overview of July 5-7 for singing and non-singing travelers.