Each point in our itinerary where it is important that we are accounted for has been added into this "Check-in Tool." Most categories will be used by section leaders only (please no self-check-ins on categories that start with "SL.") HOWEVER, all travelers (or their proxy) will use the tool to check-in for each hotel night of our tour. To check in:
Click on the Check-in Tool button above
Select your name from the "Select User" drop-down list (organized by the pods below)
Select the correct hotel night option from the "Check in/out" drop down (the ones with the date first then city and hotel (e.g. 6/28 Riga Hotel)
If you are going to be very late in returning to the hotel, please text one of the late-night captains and let them know a little about your situation:
Maddie Ile (952-491-3374)
Aidan O’Hara (425-449-3813)
Kaylee Pigott(206-280-0035)
Jen Rodgers: Geoffrey & Amy Boers, Giselle Wyers, Guntis Smidchens, Serena Chin
Jenna Bellavia– Raquel Gordon, Kaylee Pigott, Darby Sherwood, Ally Witeck
Joslyn Thomas– Becca Cantrell, Anna Frisch, Jada Jenkins, Elizabeth Mitchell
Maddie Ile- Sam Fredman, Maddy Greenfield, Joanna Noffsinger, Ainsleigh Orwin, Alexa Schieche (Maya Hsu is not able to go)
Tiffany Walker- Sarah Bergquist, Edie Myers-Power and Eric Westergard, Nicole Whiteley, Brian Walker.
Simon Hill (with Justus Brown) – Justus Brown, Simon Hill, John O’Kane, Steven Santos, Gerrit Scheepers, Ryan Wong
Aidan O’Hara– Marley Crean, Finn Dewars, John Hamann, Ian Houghton, Riley McGinn, Ethan Nowack, Will Schlott, Forrest Timour, Byron Walker, Alec Walter
Richard Carrick– Griffin Becker, Luke Duroc-Danner, Jacob Finkle, Frank Goess, Paul Mitchell, Eric Mullen (Tallinn only)