Tour Medical and Emergency Information
Sam Fredman and Byron Walker are our Tour Medics. They have a med-kit with first-aid, hygiene items, and many common over-the-counter needs. They also have information on the medical facilities and emergency procedures in each area that we will visit. They are also excellent listeners and trained comforters! Please feel free to make yourself known to them (as well as any of the tour leaders) if you are worried about any medical or wellness issue or if you are experiencing discomfort.
Sam Fredman - snf97@uw.edu, 425-443-8658
Byron Walker - endersthird@gmail.com, no phone on tour.
UW Policies and Global Emergency Line
Current UW students are registered for travel, provided resources, and governed by the University of Washington while participating on this tour.
Global Emergency Line - +001.206.632.0153
Answered 24/7 by the UW Police Department
Operator will collect information about the emergency along with your contact information and forward these to the Global Travel Security Manager who will call back to assist you.
Be prepared to provide the following information:
Your Name
Contact information
Country and program of study (use XXXX)
Name(s) of persons involved
Description of emergency
Actions taken
If you need to use the UW Student Abroad Insurance for non-emergencies:
Call CISI at 888.331.8310 (toll-free) or +1 240.330.1414 (accepts collect calls). They are also available by email at ops@us.generaliglobalassistance.com.
CISI staff will assist you in making an appointment at the nearest (English-speaking if available) clinic.
CISI can also attempt to place a guarantee of payment with the clinic to cover the bill
For routine outpatient visits, you will most likely need to pay out of pocket initially, but just save your bills/receipts and submit a claim to CISI as soon as you are able for consideration of reimbursement.
UW Student Conduct Code
Students agree to conduct themselves as responsible members of the University of Washington (“UW”) community. This means that as a condition of enrollment in a study abroad program (“Program”), each student studying abroad agrees to assume the responsibility to observe standards of conduct that will contribute to the pursuit of the academic goals of the Program and to the welfare of the members of the UW community. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to, being respectful of one another, other members of the UW community, and others with whom they encounter while abroad; refraining from behavior that would jeopardize the health, safety, or welfare of oneself or of any other person; and maintaining the integrity of the Program.
For the full UW Code of Conduct, visit http://www.washington.edu/cssc/for-students/student-code-of-conduct/
Health and Food Safety
Assigned tour members will have a variety of common over-the-counter supplies and medications for headaches, indigestion, snoring, and first-aid. See the Emergency Page for details.
Food Safety
Food hygiene standards in Estonia are generally very high so travelers are unlikely to fall ill during their trip. As with anywhere in the world, it is important to be wary of any meat or fish that has not been cooked thoroughly. In Estonia, much of the meat is slow-cooked so this won’t usually be an issue. Furthermore, if anything looks old, unclean or poorly prepared, it is best to avoid it.
IMPORTANT NOTE:Please be aware that we have travelers in our group with severe food allergies. Be extremely cautious and respectful when sharing food and ordering for groups.
What vaccinations do I need for Estonia?
You should seek medical advice from your local health practitioner before travelling to Estonia and ensure that you receive all of the appropriate vaccinations. As a guide Diphtheria, Hepatitis A and Tetanus is strongly recommended.
American Embassy Information
U.S. Embassy Riga
1 Samnera Velsa St., Riga LV-1510
Phone: +371 6710 7000
Fax: +371 6710 7050
U.S. Embassy Tallinn
Kentmanni 20
15099 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: 372-668-8100
Fax: 372-668-8265
U.S. Embassy Helsinki
Itäinen Puistotie 14 B
00140 Helsinki, Finland
Phone: +358-9-616 250